This trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of biostimulant treatments on the yield of Nadine potatoes. The study aimed to assess whether the application of Plant-Stim and EM Balance could improve crop performance compared to a control treatment. The trial was carried out at Crozier Farm (location: Google Maps link) and included the biostimulant treatments alongside an untreated control.

Crop and Site Details
- Crop type & cultivar: Nadine potatoes
- Paddock history: Previously used for vegetable production
- Plot size: 5m² per treatment
- Number of treatments: 3 (Control, Plant-Stim, EM Balance)
- Replications: 6
Application Details
- First application date: 28/11/2024
- Second application date: 9/1/2025
- Application method: 2.5L of treatment solution was measured out and applied via watering can to each plot.
- Weather conditions: Light cloud cover with sunny intervals; temperature at 17°C during the first application.
Harvest and Data Collection
- The potatoes were harvested after completing the trial period.
- Yield data was collected by recording the total weight of tubers harvested from six plants per replicate.
- Average yields were calculated for each treatment group.
The results indicated that both biostimulant treatments provided a positive yield response compared to the control. However, due to variability in the data, statistical significance was not achieved. The trends suggest that using Plant-Stim and EM Balance can offer a yield advantage over untreated potatoes.
Treatment | Average Yield per Plot (kg) |
Control | 11.71 |
Plant-Stim | 12.55 |
EM Balance | 13.65 |
The highest average yield was observed in the EM Balance treatment, with an increase of approximately 17% over the control. Plant-Stim also outperformed the control, showing a yield increase of around 7%.
While statistical significance was not reached due to variability across replicates, the overall trends suggest a yield benefit from biostimulant application. These results align with previous findings that biostimulants can support plant health and productivity by enhancing root development, nutrient uptake, and stress resilience.
Key observations from the trial:
- Both Plant-Stim and EM Balance improved yield compared to the controariability between replicates influenced statistical confidence.
- EM Balance had the greatest yield increase, followed by Plant-Stim.
- The biostimulants offer agronomic benefits.
This trial demonstrated that Plant-Stim and EM Balance have the potential to enhance potato yield. Despite some variability in results, the observed trends suggest that their application could be beneficial in commercial potato production.