A replicated field trial was conducted at Seaton Farm to assess the effectiveness of EMNZ’s biostimulants on oats. The trial aimed to compare the impact of various biostimulant treatments against an untreated control, evaluating potential yield improvements under real field conditions.
Materials and Methods

The trial included six treatments:
- Control (untreated)
- Plant-Stim
- EM Foliar Enhance
- EM Soil & Crop
- EM Aminc
- EM Fulvic
Each treatment was applied to replicated oat plots, with six replicates per treatment.
Results and Discussion
- The ANOVA results confirmed that EMNZ biostimulant treatments significantly influenced oat yield compared to the untreated control.
The results indicate a positive yield response to biostimulant application, reinforcing the potential benefits of EMNZ’s products in enhancing oat production.
This field trial demonstrates that EMNZ biostimulants can have a significant effect on oat yield, suggesting their potential as valuable tools for improving crop performance. Future research with additional replicates and refined application methods could provide further insights into optimizing biostimulant use for maximum benefit.