EMNZ Case Studies
Our case studies provide real world, relatable reporting based on EMNZ's clients throughout New Zealand.
EM Animal - Canterbury Sheep Farm
Read the case studyRead the impact EM Animal had on a 300ha sheep farm in North Canterbury.
Boosting Clover Content With EM Soil & Crop and EM Plant Stimulant
Read the case studyAn independent pasture trial run by PastureFirst
Kale - EM Fulvic Chelation
read the case studyA case study designed to determine the effectiveness of EM Fulvic at enhancing the uptake and response of foliar nutrition
EM Balance & Plant-Stim - Improving root density
Read the Case StudyThis case study shows the effectiveness of EM Balance and Plant-Stim at improving root density
Boosting Biomass and Fungi
READ THE CASE STUDYThis Case study shows the effectiveness of EM at stimulating soil microbial biomass and specifically fungi in a Vineyard.
Renovating Pastures
READ THE CASE STUDYThis Case study shows the effectiveness of EM as a tool to help renovate native pastures and boost production
Production of PGRs
READ THE CASE STUDYThis Case study shows the plant growth hormones produced by EM and why this is important.
Soil Compaction
READ THE CASE STUDYThis Case study shows the effectiveness of EM at reducing soil compaction and improving soil quality
Enhancing Glyphosate Effectiveness
READ THE CASE STUDYThis Case study shows the effectiveness of EM at boosting Glyphosate effectiveness and reducing regrowth rate.
Enhancing Brix with Plant-Stim
READ THE CASE STUDYThis case study demonstrates that using Plant-Stim can positively influence tomato fruit quality by enhancing Brix levels.