Fighting Nematodes in Tomato Farming March 31, 2023 This case study looks at a grower of tomatoes, avocados, cherries and citric in Chile. They have begun to use EM to reduce chemical costs and enhance yields and disease...
Soil Consultant Talks about their EM™ Experience March 30, 2023 Avoca Soil Consultant, Tony Johnston, talks about how the came across EM and the impact it has had. He focuses specifically on a problem paddock that lead him to using...
How To Renew Your Old Garden Soil March 29, 2023 Soil conditioners like EM are full of helpful microbes that are beneficial to plants. In order to grow healthy vegetables and beautiful flowers, it may be necessary to improve your...
Farmer and Soil Consultant Conduct a Soil Assessment and Worm Count March 28, 2023 Mark Nichols, Northland Farmer, and Avoca Soil Consultant , Tony Johnston do a soil assessment and worm count to look at the effect of EM on his soil.
Compacted Soils and the Effect on Soil Biology March 27, 2023 Coming out of winter and into spring here in NZ, there is a real threat of pugged and compacted soils. High stock densities, especially over winter on feed crops combined...
Improved Soil and Pastures in Northland | Comparison Pictures March 26, 2023 Recently I was lucky enough to visit a great farm in Northland. The past season was the first season where EM has been included into his program and they have...
Mark Nichols, Beef and Dairy Farmer talks about his experiences with Fertiliser and Biology March 25, 2023 Mark Nichols a Beef and Dairy Farmer from Northland talks to Tony Johnston, Avoca field rep and EMNZ about his experiences with Fertiliser and Biology
EM™s Impact on Clover Growth March 24, 2023 The importance of clover in in pasture is well known. It is the major source of nitrogen and improves pasture quality while also balancing the seasonal growth of grass species. ...
Effect of EM™ on P Solubility and Uptake to the Plant March 24, 2023 Phosphorus is the second essential macronutrient for plant growth, which plays a vital role in transfer of energy within the various parts of plant and root development for higher water...
EM™ Heavy Metal Suppressing Effect March 24, 2023 In recent years, heavy metals have leached out into industrial waste from landfill sites and soil, and groundwater and the like are contaminated in many situations. Heavy metals such as...
Breaking Down Agricultural Chemicals by EM™ March 24, 2023 Due to agricultural modernization, we are currently faced with various problems by agricultural methods based on machinery, chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals that have been policy-driven after the war ....
The Impact of Soil Temperature and the Role Microbes Play March 24, 2023 Temperature is one of four main functions controlling plant growth. In addition to temperature; water, nutrients, and light control commencement of growth, rate of growth, and cessation of growth. A...