Treating Calves with EM™

It’s not a new trend to add a probiotic to your calves diet in its first few weeks to ensure it gets the best possible start and develop into a productive milker. The trouble is details on exactly what this probiotic does and also the prices of these products can vary wildly. The idea behind a probiotic is to introduce millions of beneficial bacteria during the development of the rumen in the calf. A poorly functioning rumen can impact the production of your future cow and also the calfs development. The microorganisms in EM Animal will enhance gut micro-flora and increase the vitality of the animal. To us that makes the addition of a probiotic like EM Animal a no brainer. 

EM Animal - a new development

Over the past few years we have been working with a number of customers on developing a product that combines EM and all of the animal husbandry benefits that have been trailed around the world and a enhanced probiotic. From this came EM Animal, EM Animal is a live inoculant to be used to help maintain healthy stock and decrease vet bills. The use of EM Animal has shown to improve vitality of animals, decrease vet costs and improve the feed intake of the animals. Tests have shown that due to regular use of EM Animal positive microorganisms are cultivated in the gut – this strengthens the immune system and thus the animals’ resistance. Vitalised and healthy animals lower your operational costs whilst at the same time an increase in appetite combined with greater feed conversion leads to increased profitability.

EM Animal is a live product ready to use product that can be purchased online and will be delivered to your door.