In two field trials run over the season by EMNZ, our range of Bio-stimulants showed significant yield increases over the control. These replicated plot trials conducted on Kale and Wheat were independently set-up by a University student and blind harvested.

A statistically significant increase in yield was achieved for all EMNZ products over the control. EM Foliar Enhance was the top treatment with 9.1t, followed by EM Amino and EM Soil and Crop at 8.8t and Plant-Stim 8.7t. In addition the grain weight for all EMNZ products was significantly higher than the control, indicating increased plant vigour to ensure better grain development. Screenings were also greatly reduced, using EMNZ products confirming enhanced grain development, with EM Foliar Enhance again leading the way in this aspect.
For the full Wheat Trial report click here
This trial was conducted on Coleor Kale and showed a statistically significant increase in yield was achieved by using Plant-Stim - 12.7t, EM Soil & Crop - 12.1t and EM Amino - 12.2t, over the control - 8.7t.