2022/23 EMNZ Onion Trial

This trial was designed to determine the effectiveness of 4 EM treatment variations, against a control on Onions, at Crozier's Farm at Leeston, Canterbury. The yield was evaluated by picking all the onions over a set distance (1 metre) per plot. 


The aim of this trial was to test EMNZ products on Onion yield, table 2 shows the yield results of this trial. The highlights are:

  • All four EMNZ products, EM Foliar Enhance, EM Soil & Crop, EM Amino and EM Plant Stimulant, showed that they have a positive effect on onion yield.
  • The control treatment was clearly the lowest yield (64.2t/ha) significantly lower (LSD5) than all treatments.
  • The highest yield was EM Soil and Crop at 72.6 tonnes per ha
  • The economic analysis showed that growers can profit significantly from applying all four EMNZ products, EM Foliar Enhance, EM Soil & Crop, EM Amino and EM Plant Stimulant to their onion crops with EM Soil & Crop profiting the most at $6341.5 per ha. 


Crozier Farm Onion Trial 2023: Effect of EMNZ treatments compared with untreated control  


The cost of 3 applications of EMNZ products ranged between the cheapest EM Plant Simulant at $90 through to the most expensive EM Amino at $198.  

The extra yield ranged between 7.8t (EM Plant Stimulant) to 9.7t (EM Soil & Crop).

The value of the onions is $600 per bin (900kg). the below table 3 shows the profit per product with EM Soil and Crop being the most profitable. However the trial showed that  the use of all EMNZ products on Onions to be a very positive input, with a high margin of economic return.




For the full report - click here